iVillage powered by NewsServices.com features personal hints and ideas, news, business news and a wide range of unique informative lifestyle insights for women especially but also for the men in their lives.
Our online magazines for Women include Women.net.au, Woman.au, Miss.com.au, Ladies.com.au. Mums.net.au and Her.net.au,
For men, we publish their own magazines at Men.com.au and Gentlemen.com.au.
iVillage is Australia’s smart lifestyle title with a wide range of separate online lifestyle magazines. iVillage goes beyond the national headlines to give Australians an insight into what’s going in their world. From health, beauty, travel movies to politics, shopping to technology and everything in-between, iVillage contributors help people to make better choices for the lifestyle that they want to enjoy.
We provide originality in our news and in our features while aiming to publish content that can start conversations.
At iVillage, we welcome the opportunity to collaborate with publicists and industry contributors to deliver timely and informative editorial to our readership.  If you are interested in learning how you can become a regular industry contributor, please express your interest by contact us at office@NewsServices.com.
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